As we gathered for our daily evening reflection tonight, we discussed two main questions.
1. Where have you seen God's love this week?
2. Where have you felt God's presence?
Even though we have only been in Guatemala for the past 5 days, we have already all experienced countless glimpses of God.
The importance of unity and family
Universal languages such as sports, music, laughter, and play
The incredibly welcoming and loving nature of Guatemalans
Immediately as our group entered Guatemala City we were welcomed with open arms. People greeted us on the streets, asked us where we were from, and told us they were excited to have us in their country. Through traveling to schools, various organizations, and even restaurants, I have built relationships regardless of any language or cultural barrier. There is always a way to connect with others. The importance of family and support here in Guatemala is like nothing I have ever experienced in the United States. Families here have an unbreakable bond, They live in unity and support one another without condition.
Through all of these incredible things and people, we have felt and seen God's overpowering love and presence in our lives. How beautiful it is that God is always present, even in the most trying times. Thanks be to God.
Thanks for sharing these experiences.